Small Group Notes

Small Group Notes for 21st July 2024

Being God's People, God's Church...


N.B. The sermon can be heard via our website and YouTube channel or read in the paper service, also on our website.

Read and Reflect: Philippians 4:1-3, Matthew 6:12-15 & 18:15-22, 1 John 2:9-11 and, Ephesians 4:15


  1. Reflecting on the readings, the Christian community is supposed to a taste of the Kingdom of Heaven. Where do we see this is the case?
    1. Where might there need to be some work?
  2. Thinking about the readings what challenges do they present to us and how might we respond?
    1. How far do we need to go to find peace with others?
    2. How far does Jesus go? (See Philippians 2:1-11)
    3. How can we ensure our own safety, and help those who might be at risk in abusive situations?
  3. In our experience how have we been able to be agents of peace in broken relationships? (See Matthew 5:9 – literally taking on the family likeness)
  4. Pray now for those struggling in relationships within the church and in the wider church.





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