Small Group Notes

Small Group Notes for 14th July 2024

Being God's People, God's Church...

Ambitious for Jesus

N.B. The sermon can be heard via our website and YouTube channel or read in the paper service, also on our website.

Read and Reflect:: Philippians 3:15-21


1. What does Christian maturity look like, in contrast to immaturity?

2.  It is a narrow gate we pass through, (see Matthew 7:13-14, and notice Matthew 19:21-25 and Hebrews 12:1-3), and our appetites are things we fasten our desire   onto, and, to some extent, are things that hold onto us.

a. What things do people, perhaps us, hold on to?

b. What things have hold of people?

c. How can we develop goldy ambitions and appetites?

3.    What would it look like for our church, our small groups, and us as individuals to live completely as citizens of Heaven?

a. Are our minds sufficiently ‘set on’ (v.19) heavenly things?

b. How can we kindly (Romans 2:4) share the eternal significance of the Gospel with those ‘whose destiny is destruction’





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