Small Group Notes for 13th October 2024
Being God!
Being Sown
N.B. Sermon can be heard via our website and YouTube channel and the Paper Service version is on our website.
Read and Reflect: Mark 4:1-20
- There is a hunger for good news in our world – how can we help others see that, or begin to wonder if, good news is found in Jesus?
- Jesus mentions two distractions to growth: pain and pleasure.
- What pains in our age might derail us from a steady encounter with Jesus?
i. How can we stay rooted in Jesus?
ii. What pains distract others from God, and how might we help them through this?
- What pleasures might derail us from staying rooted to Jesus?
i. How can we stay rooted in the face of these temptations?
ii. What pleasures distract others and how can we help this see how Jesus is so much better?
- What fruitfulness do we long for in our own lives and the lives of each other and our church?
- Who, that we could invite to the J. John Christmas event, can we pray for now as a group?