Our 2025 APCM will take place on 29th April

Electoral Roll

Prior to our APCM will are in preparation of a New Roll.

Every person who wishes to have his or her name entered on the new Roll, whether it is entered on the present Roll or not, is requested to apply for enrolment not later than 13th April.

To be included on the new roll please complete this form (pdf) or this form (word doc) and return it to the church office (office@pmafm.co.uk) or directly to our Electoral Roll Officer, Frank Maloney (electoralroll@pmafm.co.uk). Printed copies are available at COGS and St Andrew's.

Our Accounts

Our accounts will be available to view here in due course.


During the meeting we will need to elect churchwardens (elected each year) and PCC members, and Deanery Synod members, where there are vacancies (PCC and deanery synod members usually serve terms of 3 years).

If you would like to stand for election, you will need a member of the electoral roll to propose you and you will need another member of the roll to second that proposal. Nomination sheets will be available in due course.




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