
How can I give straight away?

Use the paypal donate button/submit query or our BACS details to make an immediate donation.

Our BACS details are as follows: Account Name - Church of the Good Shepherd | Account Number - 60003685 | Sort Code - 60-01-13

If your donation is for a specific purpose, please use this as the reference when making the donation


How can I give regularly to the work of COGS?

Generosity is one of our church values, and we are hugely grateful for the generoisty of our congregation, who give so freely of their time, skills, prayers and money to enable to mission work of COGS.

Regular Standing Order

If you attend the church regularly we would encourage you to give by setting up a standing order with your bank – if you would like to do this please use the attached form and return for the attention of the Treasurer to the church office at the address below.

Other ways to give

  • We do not take collections during the service, however offerings can be made and a container is situated near the main doors. We also have a chip and pin card machine.
  • You can give online by bank transfer.  Our account number is 60003685The sort code is 60-01-13.
  • If you would like to send us a cheque or a giving voucher, please send it to the Treasurer and make it payable to "The Church of the Good Shepherd".
  • You may also like to consider making a donation to Church of the Good Shepherd in your will. Please ask your solicitor when you make or change your will, or ask us for more information.

Tax Efficient Giving

  • If you pay UK tax (Income or Capital Gains Tax) and would like us to be able to claim back the basic rate tax, you will need to fill in, sign and return to us an ongoing Gift Aid Declaration if you have not done so already. The benefit to COGS is that it can recover the basic rate of income tax, currently 25p for each pound given. (If you pay higher rate tax, you may recover this through your own tax return.)

If you have any questions on these or other ways of giving, please contact the Treasurer or Gift Aid Coordinator on Sundays, via the Treasurer's pigeon hole in church or by writing to them at:

Church of the Good Shepherd, Lymington Bottom, Four Marks, Hampshire, GU34 5AA - 01420 560622

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